May 1963: Dick Cheney graduates from Casper Community College  January 1969: Dick Cheney Begins Public Service Career in Nixon Administration  November 9, 1989: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Topples Berlin Wall  February 27, 1991: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Crushes Saddam Hussein  December 8, 1991: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Brings Down Soviet Union December 31, 1999: Dick Cheney Prepares to Celebrate Last New Year of Twentieth Century January 20, 2001: Dick Cheney Restores Integrity to Office of Vice President  May 1, 2003: Vice President Dick Cheney Crushes Saddam Hussein  May 9, 2007: Dick Cheney Unites Iraqi People  January 20, 2009......

Thursday, May 24, 2007

2008 Veepstakes: VP Gonzales?

I have to admit that initially when I heard Bush appointed Alberto Gonzales Attorney General, I thought it was yet another example of his unfortunate tendency to be too willing to appease the left. Having seen Gonzales close up in action over the past several weeks, though, I must say I, like many Americans have been impressed. Over the past several weeks, Gonzalez has had to contend with a hyper-partisan democrat congress who is no doubt angry that the first Hispanic attorney general is a Republican. And he has proven his mettle.

The democrats, obviously lacking any evidence of wrongdoing, have apparently decided to engage in political theater, throwing everything they've got at Gonzalez and waiting for something to stick or by focusing on an inevitable mistatement or technicality. Well, after several weeks, Gonzales has given them absolutely nothing. The man is clearly too sharp for the democrats, who have been able to turn up no evidence of wrongdoing. If the democrats don't put an end to this charade soon, they will face a major public backlash.

But whatever the democrats end up doing in the end, one thing is clear. A new star has been born. Gonzales is young, boyishly handsome, has a quick wit, a sharp mind, and voluminous knowledge about the inner workings of government. Knowledge such as this could be key to winning the war on terror. And the fact that Gonzales could help with the Hispanic vote is a big plus. When Candidate Cheney decides who his veep should be, I'm sure there will be several qualified candidates (and we'll talk about them, too), but Al Gonzales should definitely be on the list. Cheney-Gonzales 08. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

You're either a somewhat clever satirist, or completely batshit insane. Possibly both.

Anonymous said...

"A new star has been born. Gonzales is young, has a quick wit, a sharp mind, and voluminous knowledge about the inner workings of government."

Voluminous Knowledge: "I don't Know"

Anonymous said...

You guys are dumb. Gonzales is a great attorney general.

pissed off patricia said...

Okay, my guess was right. LOL

Good one! Now I know what this is all about and it is funny as hell :)

DivaJood said...

Ah, my dear Mr. Bruce. What can I say? You've figured it out. We liberals are really upset that the first Hispanic AG is a Republican. That's why we've been asking questions! ;}

Unknown said...

hey, c'mon -- this is an Onion spoof, right?

Ron said...

Wow, amazingly great thread! An instant classic. I'm addling you to my blogroll.

Fuck the Facts! Cheney/Gonzo 08!

Anonymous said...

This page is the biggest joke I've ever seen in my life. You people have your heads buried so far in the sand, Dick Cheney would even have trouble shooting you in the face. Gonzalez for VP!?!?!?!?! Have you been following the events in this country? He's going to get fired withtin the week. Cheney would carry the womens vote!?!?!?!?! How naive can one person be? How is it still possible to kiss the ass of the Republican Party when your head is stuck so far up your own?