May 1963: Dick Cheney graduates from Casper Community College  January 1969: Dick Cheney Begins Public Service Career in Nixon Administration  November 9, 1989: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Topples Berlin Wall  February 27, 1991: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Crushes Saddam Hussein  December 8, 1991: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Brings Down Soviet Union December 31, 1999: Dick Cheney Prepares to Celebrate Last New Year of Twentieth Century January 20, 2001: Dick Cheney Restores Integrity to Office of Vice President  May 1, 2003: Vice President Dick Cheney Crushes Saddam Hussein  May 9, 2007: Dick Cheney Unites Iraqi People  January 20, 2009......

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

America's Vice President

Rudy Giuliani likes to say that after September 11, he became America's mayor. Political gimmick? Probably. But after September 11th, Dick Cheney really did become America's Vice President. He was making the key decisions behind the aggressive response to the terrorists attacks. After initially focusing on Afghanistan, Cheney soon realized that Iraq was the central battlefront in the war on terror, and through his sober steadfastness, earned the eternal trust of the American people.

America's Vice President. Sounds a little better than America's mayor, doesn't it?


pissed off patricia said...

Sadly he's been America's president behind the puppet for all these many years. When he does something honest, let me know. I have read too many books about this administraion to feel anything but disgust for this terrible human being.

Anonymous said...

More like America's President of Vice.