America is under attack from people who hate our freedom, and the Democrats are every day growing bolder in their support of the kind of radical " 21st century fascism" practiced by the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Hugo Chavez, and in their attacks on our brave troops. Indeed, the situation is so dire for our country that some have begun to ask a very relevant question: is a military coup and dictatorship the only thing which could save this great land?
There is a much more positive solution for our country, and some are already beginning to recognize it:
For all the talk about potential candidates who haven't entered the 2008 presidential race — from Mayor Bloomberg to Vice President Gore to Senator Thompson and Speaker Gingrich — the one that who would bring the most to the race is Vice President Cheney. In previous recent campaigns, when there was an outgoing president who had won a second term, there has been a vice president around on the campaign trail to defend the record of the administration. George H.W. Bush promised to be kinder and gentler than Reagan, but he was still essentially defending the Reagan record. Vice President Gore didn't campaign much with President Clinton in 2000, but he was running in part on the record of the Clinton-Gore administration.
This year, the leading Republican candidates include Senator McCain, who was Mr. Bush's rival in a bitter 2000 primary contest and who voted against some of Mr. Bush's tax cuts, and Mayor Giuliani, who is going around proclaiming, in what seems a rebuke of George W. Bush, "it's time now that we have a president that knows how to get things done." Were Mr. Cheney in the race, it's hard to imagine that the president's approval ratings would not be five or 10 points higher. The reason is that the administration would have a defender on the campaign trail as part of the public debate.
Mr. Cheney has virtues as a candidate in his own right. He has foreign policy experience by virtue of having served as defense secretary, and he has economic policy experience, having served as a leading tax-cutter while a member of the House of Representatives. His wife, Lynne, would be an asset to the ticket in her own right, a point made by Kathryn Jean Lopez in a post on the topic at National Review Online back in February. By our rights, Lynne Cheney would make one of the greatest First Ladies in history. Mr. Cheney, in any event, is more than four years younger than Mr. McCain, and, if elected, would be 67 years old at his inauguration, younger than Reagan was when he took office. His health, while a topic of frequent speculation, hasn't interfered with his service as vice president.
Lawrence Kudlow wrote a column a while back saying he hoped President Bush asked Vice President Cheney to run for president in 2008. It was a fine idea then and it still is — not because the current field is particularly weak, but because Mr. Cheney is so much more experienced and shrewd a figure, one who could help settle some of the arguments about the Bush years in favor of Mr. Bush. A White House aiming to get Mr. Cheney elected could also avoid some of the hazards that befall lame-ducks — drift, brain drain, irrelevance. Such a campaign might lift Mr. Cheney 's own standing in the polls.
The vice president's stature would put him instantly into the first rank of contenders on the Republican side. On Monday, speaking in Alabama, the vice president received such a warm greeting that he began his remarks by saying, "A reception like that is almost enough to make you want to run for office again." It is hard to imagine the vice president did not comprehend how tantalizing such a remark would be[...]
Indeed, the prospect of a Cheney Presidency is tantalizing. In troubled times like these, what America needs is solid, steady, leadership. It is hard to imagine what could be stronger and steadier than eight more years of Dick Cheney in charge. It would be like eight more years of Bush, but without the left-wing big government agenda Bush has too often acceded too during his time in Washington.
YOU sir are out of your fucking MIND
Nice comment, anonymous. Guess people who like America are crazy in your book.
This is satire, right?
This has to be written by someone mentally unstable...and a victim of brainwashing.
This is some dry as a bone satire, I tell ya what.
My Secret bunkers's bigger than Dick's!
Thank you for your welcoming hospitality in your comments to my portal, but as previously stated in my Earth Blog, you all are indeed the seed of my loins, so to speak, after a drunken night with some chimps soooo long ago. Ah, memories. But I digress.
You do have quite a vigorous and marketable candidate in your man Dick. And putting quotation marks around your Earth "words" has become so enjoyable that (for me) it has replaced the act you would know as "sex."
-Maltok 5
Check out the look The Queen is giving Dickie Boy. She's looking at him like he just cut the nastiest fart and is now snickering at her about it. The doof.
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