The generation of Americans which fought and won WWII has been called the "greatest generation," and that is certainly a well-deserved title. Although Dick Cheney was not old enough to fight in WWII, and thus never experienced the horrors of battle first-hand, it is easy to imagine that had he been old enough to fight during this time period, Cheney would have been on the front-lines, inflicting serious blows against the axis powers.
Indeed, when you think of Dick Cheney, the man certainly does evoke many of the characteristics we associate with the "greatest generation," particularly that of sacrifice. The "greatest generation" was in part great because of the magnitude of the sacrifices they made for their country. And Dick Cheney's life has been a profile in sacrifice. It began when, as a young man, Cheney, after initially attending Yale University, left the school, and turned away from the prestige associated with an Ivy League education, and instead decided to return home to the great state of Wyoming and make it a better state.
After getting a Bachelor's and Master's degree in political science (how many Presidents can boast of that?), and completing his doctoral studies in the same field, Cheney turned down a leisurely career in socialist academia, what with 3-day work weeks and three-month long summer breaks, opting instead to serve his country once again, this time in the Nixon administration, instead of completing his doctoral thesis.
And after a lengthy period of continuous public service, both advising Presidents and serving in Congress, Cheney decided to turn his considerable talents to the private sector. But, in typical Cheney fashion, he didn't choose just any private sector job, but rather one where the main goal was to help our brave troops, working for the Halliburton corporation.
But alas, Cheney's desire to directly serve the public proved stronger than anything else once again, and in 2000, Cheney stepped down from Halliburton, foregoing fortune for the opportunity to serve our country yet again, this time as Vice President.
The greatest generation's sacrifice and service to country made them seem larger than life, and much like their lives, the narrative of Dick Cheney's life has also been above all about sacrifice and service to country, and it is for this very reason that Dick Cheney just might be the last member of the greatest generation.
This is probably the most important blog on the internets today. Keep up the good work and spread the message of the importanse of Chenies need to become precedent, not for him, but for the soul of America. You're comparison of Cheney to the WW2 generation is amazing! I had not thought of it before, but it is true!
Thanks for your support, neocon, it is nice to hear the voice of sanity coming from the state of Ohio once again! With more people like you, I think a Cheney candidacy and presidency could be a reality!
I wished more people in this country have your brilliant and genuine brain combined with such a hilarious sense of humor! it's just absolutely funny!
congratulations for exposing the incredible stupidity of many people in this country.
Oh Geez...we're both Aquarians...now that just didn't make my day! I hope we don't share the same birth date at least...or I might have to commit suicide. But thanks for your visit to my blog Dick...just the same.
Anonymous, you are so articulate, I want to bear all your children. Unless you're a woman. Then, never mind.
Oh Lola, there you go again.
Seemed a Reagan quote belonged somewhere here.
"Although Dick Cheney was not old enough to fight in WWII, and thus never experienced the horrors of battle first-hand, it is easy to imagine that had he been old enough to fight during this time period, Cheney would have been on the front-lines, inflicting serious blows against the axis powers."
So why didn't he serve his country when he could have during Vietnam? Don't kid yourself, Cheney would have found a way to be 4F during WWII!
Thanks for the laugh!
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