The White House sent Tim Goeglein, Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Public Liaison, a mid-level aide who deals on behalf of the White House with special interest groups.
Goeglein, who said he last spoke with Falwell a month and a half ago, called the former Moral Majority leader a "great friend of this administration" and "a force of nature."
"On behalf of all of us in the Bush-Cheney White House, please know that we are holding you up in prayer, that we hold the Falwell family in very high regard," Goeglein said. "I have to say that in all my time in the White House, I have never met a man who loved God and country more than Jerry Falwell."
Goeglein ended his remarks by noting that he had recently informed Falwell of his lasting impact on the Bush administration.
"I was very pleased and honored to tell Jerry that Liberty University had come to the White House, that young men and women whom he had trained up had joined us as interns and staff. So, a man of vision has seen a vision fulfilled," Goeglein said.
The White House aide offered no explanation for Mr. Bush's absence. The president had no public events on his schedule Tuesday.
President Bush's image was notably missing from a photo montage of past Republican chief executives with whom Falwell had met. Mourners saw the reverend with Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. That last photograph was followed by a shot of Falwell on the set of Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes."
A picture with Communist Colmes but no picture with Cheney? After everything Cheney and Bush did for him? Was Jerry pulling for McCain? Or perhaps fair-weather Falwell only wants pictures of people at his funeral when they are popular in the polls. How despicable.
Bwahaha!! I finally came to see the blog. Wow, I sides hurt!
My sides is what I meant, like Cheney's conception, that was a mistake.
What are you talking about, you defeatocrat? Cheney is a great leader!
hey where can i get the special kool-aide you guys drink? if you watched anything but FOX "News", youd realize the facts about this man. he's a liar, a cheat, a coward........the list could go on. you're among 18% of the country that like "dead-eye" dick. so, have fun with that CHENEY '08 campaign! lol.
I too was stunned that anyone would even waste their time crafting and running a website with such tripe. It's like visiting someone that collects Barbie dolls or GI Joe dolls and you have this weird feeling that they actually live a lot of their life in a fantasy world.
Dick's approval ratings are like, what, 19% on a good week? Usually, the polls show him about 12 or 15%, and this blogger thinks ol' faulty heart has a presidential shot? I keep thinking this is a Stephen Colbert type of comedic ruse but I think this blogger really has been drinking the hallucinogens that make him live in a different world. Obviously, Cheney is going down as the worst VP, second only to Quayle, and clearly hated and despised by more Americans than any VP in a Century.
But I've had to save this ridiculous site just so I can let others get a laugh.
sorry, i had to come back here. you guys are just too precious. what makes cheney a great leader anyways? the fact that he told a member of congress to "fuck off" on the floor of the senate? or was it when he got drunk and shot a friend in the face while hunting? it couldnt be because he blatantly lied on national tv claiming NOT to have said that Al Qaeda and Iraq worked together to pull of 9/11 (there are video clips of him making this claim everywhere)? was it that he allowed his oil industry execs to craft US energy policy? how about the billions of dollars that have been awarded in contracts to his old company (from which he still draws a hefty pension) Haliburton with no oversight or auditing? you guys are in a serious bubble to think this man is anything than a draft-dodging half-human war criminal. the truth will set you free - watch something other than fox news and you'll see what I mean.
dude, you're insane.
Who betrayed whom? The title contradicts the body of this article...maybe clear thinking ain't welcome here.
Liberal, anonymi: So much misinformation and selective use of facts I don't even know where to begin.
Daisy: "President Bush's image was notably missing from a photo montage of past Republican chief executives with whom Falwell had met. Mourners saw the reverend with Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. That last photograph was followed by a shot of Falwell on the set of Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes."
That's a betrayal in my book.
Visiting thhis site is like going to a museum for used condoms. Feel like I need a shower now. The only rational & sane commentary are in the comments themselves, not the blog. It is sheer lunacy and derangement.
I'm with Cheney08. I'd vote for Cheney, with his big ole horse dick and all. He's so ruggedly handsome. Take me now DICK. DICK ME DICK. Then shoot me and we'll live happily ever after in Hell. Oh, and if his wife is a "historian", then I'm straight.
Why aren't there more and better assassins on the planet?
Thank you Cheney08 for you're well reasoned and logical conclusions about why Dick Cheney should be the next Precedent of the United States. You're blog is a cool drink of fresh water in the dessert that is the liberal blogosphere. Keep up the good work and don't let these left wing liberal loons get you down! You know the truth!! Keep preaching it!
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