May 1963: Dick Cheney graduates from Casper Community College  January 1969: Dick Cheney Begins Public Service Career in Nixon Administration  November 9, 1989: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Topples Berlin Wall  February 27, 1991: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Crushes Saddam Hussein  December 8, 1991: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Brings Down Soviet Union December 31, 1999: Dick Cheney Prepares to Celebrate Last New Year of Twentieth Century January 20, 2001: Dick Cheney Restores Integrity to Office of Vice President  May 1, 2003: Vice President Dick Cheney Crushes Saddam Hussein  May 9, 2007: Dick Cheney Unites Iraqi People  January 20, 2009......

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Most City People Would Love to Live in Guantanamo

OhioNeocon recently pointed to Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's very relevant point that most prisoners would love to be in Guantanamo. I think it's hard to argue with that point, and I think you can go even farther and say a good number of American citizens who are not currently in prison would prefer to be in least the city types who like to eat fancy foreign food.

Republican Presidential candidate Duncan Hunter fills us in on the scoop:

And for those defeatocrats who say we should shut down Guantamo, the obvious response is that it is better to have them eating lemon fish and glazed chicken in Guantamo than in your hometown.


Ohio Neocon said...

Excellent post. This should show the defeatocRats just how well the terrorists are being treated. What the defeatocRats really need to ask themselves is would the terrorists treat us the same way? No, they wouldn't. Islamofascists would simply torture and kill us. I am guessing though that defeatocRats will say that eating chicken three times a week constitutes torture because they think that meat is murder.

pissed off patricia said...

Is that fish cooked or just all dressed up for the picture. I love the addition of the little piece of fish net. Is it real net or is it made from fine chocolate? The wine, what year? Hopefully it came in a corked bottle and not a screw-off box.

Anonymous said...

So Robert Gates is a defeatocrat?

Cheney08 said...

Ohio, thank you for, as usual, bringing that common-sense midwestern conservative outlook to our discussion here today, as you always do.

Patricia: I do not know about the content of the net or the vintage of the wine. I encourage you contact Rep. Hunter directly to inquire about these matters.

Anonymous: You bring up an important point: the big flaw in Bush's legacy has been his tendency to appease the left. His hiring of Robert Gates certainly fits into that pattern.

pissed off patricia said...

Put up a new post already. That damned fish is starting to smell