May 1963: Dick Cheney graduates from Casper Community College  January 1969: Dick Cheney Begins Public Service Career in Nixon Administration  November 9, 1989: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Topples Berlin Wall  February 27, 1991: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Crushes Saddam Hussein  December 8, 1991: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney Brings Down Soviet Union December 31, 1999: Dick Cheney Prepares to Celebrate Last New Year of Twentieth Century January 20, 2001: Dick Cheney Restores Integrity to Office of Vice President  May 1, 2003: Vice President Dick Cheney Crushes Saddam Hussein  May 9, 2007: Dick Cheney Unites Iraqi People  January 20, 2009......

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Colin Powell Announces Support for Dick Cheney for President

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has announced he intends to support Dick Cheney for President.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has sought out former Secretary of State Colin Powell for advice on foreign policy matters.

While Powell served in the administrations of two Republican presidents, he said Sunday it was too early in the 2008 race to say whether he would back the GOP nominee.

"I'm going to support the best person that I can find who will lead this country for the eight years beginning in January of 2009," Powell said.

Eight years as VP, four as secretary of defense, 10 years in Congress, service to four presidents: the best person that Powell could possibly find is Dick Cheney. I'd say a Powell endorsement is a pretty significant acheivement for the nascent Cheney campaign.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your reading comprehension needs work.